This program requires an integer-coded training image, a series of
initial integer-coded realizations (possibly only one) to post-process,
and information about what components of a two-point histogram are
to be reproduced. The integer coding could be derived naturally from a
categorical variable or it could be derived from the discretization of
a continuous variable.
datafl: a file that contains the input realizations to
post-process. The realizations must be integer-coded. The
maximum number of different integer codes is specified in
anneal.inc. The input file has one integer per line cycling
fastest on x, then y, then z, then by realization.
trainfl: a file with the training image. The training image
must have the same integer code values as the realizations to
post-process and have the same size and discretization.
idbg and report: an integer debugging level between 0
and 3, and a reporting interval. After a fixed number of iterations
(report) the realization is written to the output file.
dbgfl: file for the debugging information.
outfl: the output file that will contain the post-processed
nsim: the number of initial realizations to post process.
nx, ny, and nz: definition of the grid system.
seed: random number seed (a large odd integer).
maxit and tol: the maximum number of iterations over the
entire grid network. Typically 99\% of the improvement is reached in
5 iterations and the remaining 1\% may be reached by 10 iterations.
More than 10 iterations is not recommended. The initial objective
function is normalized to one; when it is lowered to tol the
simulation is stopped.
ndir: the number of directions for the two-point histogram
control. For each direction the following parameters are needed:
- ixl: the offset in the x direction for a unit lag
- iyl: the offset in the y direction for a unit lag
- izl: the offset in the z direction for a unit lag
- nlag: the number of lags