

o Description:
o Parameters:
  • datafl: a data file in simplified Geo-EAS format containing the secondary data values (the output file will contain the corresponding prior distributions for the primary variable).
  • icolsec: the column number for the secondary variable.
  • calibfl: a data file in simplified Geo-EAS format containing pairs of primary and secondary data values (the calibration data).
  • ivru, ivrv and iwt: the column numbers for the primary and secondary variables and declustering weight / bivariate frequency.
  • tmin and tmax: all values strictly less than tmin and strictly greater than tmax are ignored.
  • outfl: an output file that contains the prior distributions corresponding to all input secondary data.
  • repfl: an output file that contains a report of the pairs retained, some summary statistics, a bivariate distribution table, the prior distributions, and the B(z) parameter values.
  • ncutu: the number of thresholds applied to the primary variable.
  • cutu(i),i=1,ncutu: the threshold values applied to the primary variable.
  • ncutv: the number of thresholds applied to the secondary variable.
  • cutv(i),i=1,ncutv: the threshold values applied to the secondary variable.