GSLIB Help Page: KB2D
This is a straightforward 2-D simple and ordinary kriging subroutine
that can be used as is or as a basis for custom kriging programs.
datafl: the input data in a simplified Geo-EAS formatted file.
icolx, icoly, and icolvr: the columns for the x
and y coordinates, and the variable to be kriged.
tmin and tmax: all values strictly less than tmin
and greater than or equal to tmax are ignored.
idbg: an integer debugging level between 0 and 3. The higher
the debugging level the more output. Normally
level 0 or 1 should be chosen. If there are suspected problems, or if
you would like to see the actual kriging matrices, level 2 or 3 can be
chosen. It is advisable to restrict the actual number of points
being estimated when the debugging level is high (the debugging file
can become extremely large).
dbgfl: the debugging output is written to this file.
outfl: the output grid is written to this file. The output
file will contain both the kriging estimate and the kriging variance
for all points/blocks. The output grid cycles fastest on x and
then y
nx, xmn, xsiz: definition of the grid system (x axis).
ny, ymn, ysiz: definition of the grid system (y axis).
nxdis and nydis: the number of discretization points
for a block. If both nxdis and nydis are set to 1 then
point kriging is performed.
ndmin and ndmax: the minimum and maximum number of data
points to use for kriging a block.
radius: the maximum isotropic search radius.
isk and skmean: if isk0 then simple kriging will be
performed with a mean of skmean
nst and c0: the number of variogram structures and the
isotropic nugget constant. The nugget constant does not count as a
For each of the nst nested structures one must define
it, the type of structure; cc, the c parameter;
ang1, the azimuth of the maximum range;
aa_hmax, the maximum range; and aa_hmin, the
minimum range. A detailed description of these parameters is given
in section II.3.