GSLIB - Downloading

Downloading GSLIB

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GSLIB 2.0 Source Code and Executables

The source code and executables for DOS for the FORTRAN 77 version of GSLIB can be downloaded here: Download (F77 code and executables)

GSLIB 2.907

GSLIB 2.907 is the latest version available. It was written in FORTRAN 90. The code uses dynamic array allocation to minimize the hardwiring of the parameters within the code. This minimizes the resetting of parameters and the recompiling of the code involved in making an executable to fit the data at hand. Please click on the button to download a copy of the FORTRAN 90 executables for DOS: Download (F90 executables)


A basic help system written a couple of years ago may be accessed online at GSLIB 77 HELP.

Linux version

We have compiled the Fortran 77 version of GSLIB on Linux Red Hat 6.1. Only very limited testing has been done, this is provided only as convenience. You can download a version of the source code for Linux: Download. This is exactly the same version as the one contained in the DOS version, but we added the Makefiles used to generate the executables. We are using GNU's f77.

The executables for Linux can be downloaded here: Download.

If there is interest for it, we might look into compiling the Fortran 90 version for Linux. There are no plans at this time to port WinGslib to Linux.

SunOS 2.6 version

We have compiled the Fortran 77 version of GSLIB on SunOS 2.6 with gcc 2.58. As for the Linux version, very limited testing has been done. Download the executables.

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