GSLIB Help Page: Programs
Coordinate transformation:
Probability distribution weighting, transformation,
and smoothing:
declus cell declustering
nscore normal score transformation
backtr back transformation from normal scores
trans general distribution transformation
histsmth smooth histogram / univariate
scatsmth smooth scaterplot / bivariate
distribution (see also bivplt)
gam variogram calculation of regular grid
(use vargplt to plot results)
gamv variogram calculation of scattered data
(use vargplt to plot results)
varmap variogram map / volume calculation
(use pixelplt to plot results)
vmodel creates a variogram from an analytical
model that can be plotted with vargplt
bigaus can be used to get the indicator
variograms from a Gaussian or normal scores variogram
The "variogram type" is specified by an integer
code. The type of variogram model is specified
by another integer code.
kb2d straightforward 2-D kriging
kt3d flexible 3-D kriging
cokb3d cokriging
ik3d indicator kriging
(use postik to postprocess results)
Stochastic simulation:
draw simple Monte Carlo stochastic simulation
lusim LU matrix Gaussian simulation
sgsim sequential Gaussian simulation
gtsim truncated Gaussian simulation (uses the
result of sgsim and proportion curves)
sisim sequential indicator simulation including
categorical and continuous and Markov-Bayes (program
bicalib is used to process calibration data)
pfsim probability field simulation
ellipsim 3-D ellipsoid simulation
anneal annealing-based post processing /
sasim annealing-based simulation and
postsim is used to post process a number of
simulated realizations
PostScript plotting:
histplt histogram and cumulative histogram
probplt normal and lognnormal probability plot
scatplt scatterplot
qpplt Q-Q or P-P plot to compare two
locmap gray and color 2-D data location map
pixelplt gray and color 2-D pixel map
bivplt plot a smoothed bivariate probability
distribution with the marginal distributions